Articles Niels Pas
How to prevent freight damage
Freight and cargo damage pose significant financial and reputational challenges in the shipping industry. Due to the industry's complexity and diversity, exact statistics are difficult to determine, but global freight damage losses amount to billions of dollars annually. In this article, we provide key strategies to minimize the risk of freight damage. What is Freight damage? Let’s begin by defining freight damage. Freight damage refers to any harm, loss, or compromise that goods experience during...
How to prevent cargo theft by increasing cargo security
Though cargo theft statistics vary, the global financial loss of cargo theft runs into billions of dollars each year. Moreover, in the third quarter of 2024, CargoNet recorded 776 incidents in the U.S. and Canada, a 14% increase compared to the same quarter in 2023. The states of California, Illinois, and Texas accounted for 52% of all thefts in the third quarter of 2024. News items like the following are, unfortunately, no exception. The most...
Full container load (FCL) shipping. Meaning, benefits & drawbacks
The Full Container Load (FCL) shipping market was valued at approximately USD 392.75 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach around USD 551.77 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 5.0%. In this article you will learn what FCL shipping is, the differences with LCL shipping, and benefits and drawbacks of FCL shipping. FCL meaning. What is Full Container Load shipping? FCL meaning in shipping refers to Full Container Load,...
SONCAP. What is it and how to get a SONCAP certificate
Nigeria is the fourth-largest economy in Africa and has the largest population on the continent. Because of its growing economy and population, it has become an attractive destination for foreign businesses and investors. To export products to Nigeria, a SONCAP certificate is required. In this article, we will explain what a SONCAP certificate is and how you can obtain one. What is SONCAP? The Standards Organisation of Nigeria Conformity Assessment Program (SONCAP) is a product...
Less than container load (LCL) shipping
Global trade continues to expand and growth could more than double in 2024. The world is flat as Thomas L. Friedman stated and with a single mouse click products can be purchased from the other side of the world. As a consequence less than container load shipping (LCL shipping) has become more popular and is estimated to grow 3.5% from 2024 to 2029. In this article, we'll delve into what LCL shipping is, how it...
Drayage. Definition & types of drayage services
Freight transport, especially international freights transports usually involve numerous steps and transport methods from shipping location to destination. It is common for goods to be transported by road, rail and ship before reaching their endpoint. In this complex process drayage is often a necessary step for completing the transportation process. In this blogpost we will explain the meaning of drayage and describe various types of drayage. What is drayage? What is the definition of drayage?...
Trusted Trader. Definition, benefits & how to become one
Customs authorities can grant accredited businesses the title of trusted trader, which comes with several advantages. In this article, you will learn what a trusted trader is, its benefits, and how businesses can achieve this status. What is a trusted trader? A trusted trader is a business that is an accredited member of an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program. A trusted trader is therefore also called an authorized economic operator. The World Customs Organization gives...
Australian Trusted Trader. What is it & benefits
Australian Trusted Trader is an authorized economic operator program for Australian businesses to increase border security and make cross border trade easier. In the blogpost we will elaborate on this program, the benefits and how to apply for it. What is Australian Trusted Trader (ATT)? The Australian Trusted Trader program is an initiative of the (Australian) Department of Home Affairs. It aims to reduce red tape for accredited businesses. It also aims to increase border...
Partners in Protection
Partners in Protection is a Canadian trade program which was developed in 1995. The program enhances border and trade chain security. In this article we will discuss Partners in Protection, it’s requirements and how you can apply for this program. What is Partners is Protection? Partners in Protection (PIP) is a voluntary trade program by the Canada Border Services Agency for Canadian and U.S. businesses. It is an AEO program for improving border security and...
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). The complete guide
The term authorized economic operator (AEO) is a globally used term for organizations which are authorized by a national customs organization to perform international transports. In this blogpost will we elaborate on this subject and discuss various AEO programs around the world. What is an authorized economic operator (AEO) The World Customs Organization (WCO) defines an authorized economic operator as follows: "a party involved in the international movement of goods in whatever function that has...
EORI Number
For businesses and individuals involved with customs operations in the customs territory of the European Union, it is obliged to have an EORI number. In this article you will learn the meaning of EORI, benefits, how you can register for it and how you can check an EORI number. What is an EORI number EORI is an abbreviation of Economic Operators Registration and Identification. It is an EU wide registration and identification number for businesses...
Container seal number. What is it and why is it used
Each container seal has a unique, alphanumeric number. In this blogpost we will explain what a container seal number is, why they are used and when these are required. What is a container seal number? A container seal number is a unique identifier for containers used in the shipping and logistics industry. It is assigned to a seal that is used to secure shipping containers during transit. This seal, typically made of metal or high-strength...
Hoefon high security seals are clause 6 compliant
Hoefon Security Seals has been an experienced manufacturer of ISO 17712:2013 class ‘H’ security seals for many years. We are proud to announce that are our high security seals are compliant with clause 6 of the ISO 17712:2013 standard. In this article we will elaborate on this subject. Clause 6. Evidence of tamper In order for high security seals to be compliant with clause 6 a security seals manufacturer must have a documented and audited...
How security seals can avoid and spot drugs transport
The trafficking of drugs is a huge problem for societies worldwide. Criminal organizations involved in drug transportation causes great nuisance and insecurity for citizens and authorities in many countries. The drug trafficking market is a multibillion dollar industry that authorities have a hard time fighting against. In 2021 over €5 billion worth of cocaine was seized in the port of Rotterdam alone and this is likely just a small fraction of the total amount smuggled....
Hoefon Security Seals is a reliable supplier of the cash-in-transit industry
Hoefon Security Seals is a preferred supplier of high security seals for many companies all around the world. We are also a certified and reliable manufacturer of security seals for the cash-in-transit market. In this post we will explain our value proposition in this industry. About cash-in-transit Cash-in-transit (CIT) is the physical transportation of cash (banknotes, coins), credit cards and other value items. The transfer of banknotes to ATM points is an example of cash-in-transit....
Intermodal transportation. The complete guide
Intermodal transportation has been a popular method of transportation since the 18th century. In this blogpost we will explain what intermodal transportation is, how it works and the advantages and disadvantages of this method. What is intermodal transportation? Intermodal transport involves the transportation of good in containers through multiple modes of transports, without handling the goods themselves when changing modes. Examples of transportation modes are ship, rail, truck or aircraft. For example when a container...
Hoefon’s CEO Niels Pas on the latest innovations with container seals
Transport faces all kind of dangers, such as contamination, theft, intrusion and damage. Container seals are often used to not only seal but also protect containers from these dangers. John Bensalhia of investigates this market and assesses the financial and practical considerations involved. Hoefon’s CEO Niels Pas is also interviewed to give his expert opinion about this subject. What do you have to pay attention to when choosing for a type of container seal,...
ISPS Code’s implication for the usage of security seals
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. ISPS Code is developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in reaction to the 9/11 terroristic attacks as well as the increased risks for harbors and ships. ISPS Code is enacted into law by among others the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom. The code has overlap with...
This is how you check whether your security seals supplier is CTPAT compliant
CTPAT dictates that a high security seal must be affixed to all loaded containers bound for the United States. All seals must meet or exceed the ISO 17712:2013 standard for high security seals. In this article CTPAT and its benefits will be explained shortly. Then ISO 17712:2013 standard’s implications for CTPAT compliant security seal suppliers will be discussed. Finally, this post describes how you can check whether your security seal supplier is CTPAT compliant. CTPAT...