Bolt Seal. What is a bolt seal and its applications

A bolt seal is a strong type of security seal that is applied for sealing transports. Bolt seals are one time useable and are often uniquely numbered. Because of their great breaking strength they also provide an extra layer of security. In this post you will learn more about bolt seals and their applications. ISO 17712:2013 certified bolt seal High security bolt seal Most bolt seals are certified as ISO 17712:2013 high security seals. Certified...

ISPS Code’s implication for the usage of security seals

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. ISPS Code is developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in reaction to the 9/11 terroristic attacks as well as the increased risks for harbors and ships. ISPS Code is enacted into law by among others the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom. The code has overlap with...

How to protect your truck and trailer from cargo theft

Though cargo theft statistics vary, the global financial loss of cargo theft probably runs into billions of dollars each year. Reducing the risk of theft and taking prevention measures do not only reduce financial losses, but also avoid other burden. In this article we will therefore advise you how you can protect truck and trailer cargo from being stolen. Recruit for reliable employees Cargo theft prevention starts with recruiting reliable and trustworthy employees. You should...

This is how you check whether your security seals supplier is CTPAT compliant

CTPAT dictates that a high security seal must be affixed to all loaded containers bound for the United States. All seals must meet or exceed the ISO 17712:2013 standard for high security seals. In this article CTPAT and its benefits will be explained shortly. Then ISO 17712:2013 standard’s implications for CTPAT compliant security seal suppliers will be discussed. Finally, this post describes how you can check whether your security seal supplier is CTPAT compliant. CTPAT...

What is ISO 17712?

What is ISO 17712? Hoefon Security Seals is a supplier of high security seals for, amongst others, shipping containers and trailers. All our security seals are ISO 17712 certified. In this blog we will explain what ISO 17712 means. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the global leading developer of voluntary international standards. ISO creates documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes...